World Colors
Photography authenticated globally through the blockchain using independent, immutable NFTs.
Freeze an instant in time, which everyone can enjoy, in a decentralised way.
Colour, contrast, composition, everything to evoke tranquillity, joy, sadness, fury.
Colors of Seville, 4 separated editions, limited to 6666 1/1 NFTs, minted using an ERC721 smart contract on the Polygon ZkEVM blockchain.The Token ID of each NFT contains information about the edition and the photograph that certifies this NFT. Example: Token ID 2260 informs us that this is copy 2 of the Ruta al Palacio (Gold Edition).Some NFTs TokenID ends on 1 or maybe 2. This means that the NFT has been reminted due to an error in the first mint. The erroneous NFT has been sent to the burn address (0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD) previously.Image Usage License: CC0Polygon ZkEVM Collection: 0xA2376be1D597e2E8AE102Ca2d47360F3FfD84846L1 (Ethereum) Verified Batch Tx Hash: 0x9a9004dd460f709e483d2c961b208839f8da22798c0e736832aeb20972150073Legacy Polygon POS Collection: 0xa93Dd827649712594421fca090bdDA0fDe7525d0NFTs are available through the following methods:1. Direct offer for NFTs from the Polygon ZkEVM collection: You can make an offer directly on the marketplaces which displays Polygon ZKEVM NFTs.2. Offer for the NFTs of the Polygon POS Collection, with a subsequent burn requirement: If you make an offer for one of these NFTs, you will need to burn it in order to receive the corresponding NFT from the Polygon ZkEVM collection.The following offers will be accepted:- Original Edition (1/1): 1.6 ETH
- Gold Edition (10 copies LE): 0.16 ETH
- Silver Edition (100 copies LE): 0.016 ETH
Colour, contrast, composition, everything to evoke tranquillity, joy, sadness, fury.
Light Painted Places
Pictures of different places, drawn with light. Photographs in which composition, color, lights and shadows play an important role in conveying the perception, emotions and my sensations when I saw these scenes.
Colour, contrast, composition, everything to evoke tranquillity, joy, sadness, fury.
Light-Painted Places, the collection starts with an original photograph and continue with a 2nd edition of 10 hand-signed photographs, followed by a 3rd edition for each photograph, minted using an ERC721 smart contract on the Polygon ZkEVM blockchain.The Token ID of each NFT contains information about the edition and the photograph that certifies this NFT. Example: Token ID 2210 informs us that this is copy 2 of the Ancient Sunset 2nd Edition.Some NFTs TokenID ends on 1 or maybe 2. This means that the NFT has been reminted due to an error in the first mint. The erroneous NFT has been sent to the burn address (0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD) previously.Image Usage License: CC0Polygon ZkEVM Collection Contract: 0x252735C0F30279668B53c078c705ef46f544e9b4L1 (Ethereum) Verified Batch Tx Hash: 0xbd2b45a91eb580d30158f1684e852d4ebbf061bada8a116f3b6d851fd77067aeLegacy Polygon POS Collection: 0x65F03d3E61471A6C0ee35D63ce29aB6E4b378908NFTs are available through the following methods:1. Direct Offer for NFTs from the Polygon ZkEVM collection: You can make an offer directly on the marketplaces which displays Polygon ZKEVM NFTs.2. Offer for the NFTs of the Polygon POS Collection, with a subsequent burn requirement: If you make an offer for one of these NFTs, you will need to burn it in order to receive the corresponding NFT from the Polygon ZkEVM collection.The following offers will be accepted:- Unique Copies (1/1): 1.6 ETH
- 2nd Edition (10 copies LE): 0.16 ETH
- 3rd Edition (100 copies LE): 0.016 ETH
Colour, contrast, composition, everything to evoke tranquillity, joy, sadness, fury.
People & Moments Immortalizad
A collection dedicated to those who have passed in front of my camera in this artistic journey.
Colour, contrast, composition, everything to evoke tranquillity, joy, sadness, fury.
People and Moments Immortalized collection is composed of unique copies, minted using an ERC721 smart contract on the Polygon ZkEVM blockchain and no successive editions will be minted.Image Usage License: CC0Polygon ZkEVM Collection Contract: 0x3b46b79661a4382ad8fad4fb592d6008d11cc025L1 (Ethereum) Verified Batch Tx Hash: 0x8e26366e8cf266e66de7ddeb5e0241084aec3bbcc80726e361ff8e8e53bdb4e1Legacy Polygon POS Collection: 0x316A63898D603574D3545c9CEFeF69f139CF2427NFTs are available through direct offer for the NFTs from the Polygon ZkEVM collection: You can make an offer directly on the marketplaces which displays Polygon ZKEVM NFTs.The following offers will be accepted:- Unique Copies (1/1): 1.6 ETH
“Photography cannot alter reality, but it can certainly reveal it.” – Don McCullin
Black & White Moment
Photographs where the protagonists are the composition and the contrast to transport the viewer to that very instant.
Colour, contrast, composition, everything to evoke tranquillity, joy, sadness fury.
Black & White Moment the collection starts with an original B&W photograph and continue with a 2nd edition of 10 hand-signed photographs, followed by a 3rd edition for each photograph, minted using an ERC721 smart contract on the Polygon ZkEVM blockchain.The Token ID of each NFT contains information about the edition and the photograph that certifies this NFT. Example: Token ID 2210 informs us that this is copy 2 of the SOS (B&W) 2nd Edition.Some NFTs TokenID ends on 1 or maybe 2. This means that the NFT has been reminted due to an error in the first mint. The erroneous NFT has been sent to the burn address (0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD) previously.Image Usage License: CC0Polygon ZkEVM Collection Contract: 0xe4319073C941A770B026ee86E2611C66363Cb54FL1 (Ethereum) Verified Batch Tx Hash: 0x8e26366e8cf266e66de7ddeb5e0241084aec3bbcc80726e361ff8e8e53bdb4e1Legacy Polygon POS Collection Contract: 0x9c0b4f6bb61254fFf4309B572F379afB63340A0bNFTs are available through the following methods:1. Direct offer for NFTs from the Polygon ZkEVM collection: You can make an offer directly on the marketplaces which displays Polygon ZKEVM NFTs.2. Offer for the NFTs of the Polygon POS Collection, with a subsequent burn requirement: If you make an offer for one of these NFTs, you will need to burn it in order to receive the corresponding NFT from the Polygon ZkEVM collection.The following offers will be accepted:- Unique Copies (1/1): 1.6 ETH
- 2nd Edition (10 copies LE): 0.16 ETH
- 3rd Edition (100 copies LE): 0.016 ETH
©2024 World Colors.
Política de privacidad de worldcolors.ethEn worldcolors.eth, nos tomamos muy en serio la privacidad de nuestros usuarios. Nos comprometemos a proteger la información personal que nos proporcionas cuando visitas nuestro sitio web. A continuación, detallamos nuestra política de privacidad para que sepas cómo recopilamos, utilizamos y protegemos tus datos.1. Recopilación de informaciónEn worldcolors.eth, no recopilamos información personal de ningún tipo. No solicitamos nombres, direcciones de correo electrónico, números de teléfono u otra información personal identificable. Tampoco recopilamos información de navegación, como direcciones IP o cookies.2. Uso de la informaciónDado que no recopilamos información personal, no utilizamos tus datos para ningún propósito. Nuestro sitio web se centra en mostrar colecciones de fotografía autentificadas y descentralizadas utilizando la tecnología blockchain y IPFS. No utilizamos tus datos para enviar publicidad ni compartimos tu información con terceros.3. Seguridad de la informaciónA pesar de que no recopilamos información personal, nos comprometemos a proteger cualquier dato que puedas proporcionar de forma accidental. Utilizamos medidas de seguridad estándar para proteger nuestro sitio web y garantizar la integridad de la información que mostramos.4. CookiesEn worldcolors.eth, no utilizamos cookies para rastrear la actividad de los usuarios en nuestro sitio web. No recopilamos información de navegación ni utilizamos cookies de terceros para mostrar publicidad personalizada.5. Enlaces a sitios externosNuestro sitio web puede contener enlaces a sitios externos. Sin embargo, no somos responsables de las políticas de privacidad de estos sitios. Te recomendamos que revises las políticas de privacidad de cualquier sitio externo al que accedas desde worldcolors.eth.6. Cambios en la política de privacidadNos reservamos el derecho de realizar cambios en nuestra política de privacidad en cualquier momento. Te recomendamos que revises esta página periódicamente para estar al tanto de cualquier actualización.En resumen, en worldcolors.eth nos comprometemos a proteger la privacidad de nuestros usuarios y a garantizar la seguridad de la información que mostramos en nuestro sitio web. Si tienes alguna pregunta o inquietud sobre nuestra política de privacidad, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros a través de nuestro formulario de contacto.En caso de dudas, puedes contactar con nosotros en el correo electrónico scgphotographer@gmail.comÚltima actualización: 28 de abril de 2024.------------------------------------------Privacy Policy for worldcolors.ethAt worldcolors.eth, we take the privacy of our users very seriously. We are committed to protecting the personal information you provide when you visit our website. Below, we outline our privacy policy so you know how we collect, use, and safeguard your data.1. Information CollectionAt worldcolors.eth, we do not collect any personal information. We do not request names, email addresses, phone numbers, or any other personally identifiable information. We also do not collect browsing information such as IP addresses or cookies.2. Use of InformationSince we do not collect personal information, we do not use your data for any purpose. Our website focuses on displaying authenticated and decentralized photography collections using blockchain technology and IPFS. We do not use your data for advertising purposes, nor do we share your information with third parties.3. Information SecurityEven though we do not collect personal information, we are committed to protecting any accidental data you may provide. We employ standard security measures to safeguard our website and ensure the integrity of the information we display.4. CookiesAt worldcolors.eth, we do not use cookies to track user activity on our website. We do not collect browsing information, nor do we use third-party cookies for personalized advertising.5. External LinksOur website may contain links to external sites. However, we are not responsible for the privacy policies of these sites. We recommend reviewing the privacy policies of any external site you access from worldcolors.eth.6. Changes to the Privacy PolicyWe reserve the right to make changes to our privacy policy at any time. We recommend that you periodically review this page to stay informed about any updates.In summary, at worldcolors.eth, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users and ensuring the security of the information we display on our website. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, feel free to contact us through the email: updated: April 29, 2024.